Yan-K RanAni 3
We are changing to open source and CC0 license, please check out new page at GitHub!
Trailer: https://youtu.be/wGiMYBuMXN4
Basic Tutorial: https://youtu.be/nRmu6IefOYM
(Random Animation / 隨機動畫產生器)
製作隨機動畫 After Effects 腳本
an After Effects tool to create random animation in One-Clink.
Version 3.1.1 (2018/07/11)
安裝說明 :
解壓縮檔案之後,將 "Yan-K RanAni 3.jsxbin" 與 "RanAni3" 資料夾放入,
"Adobe\Adobe After Effects XX\Support Files\Scripts\ScriptUI Panels" 內。
開啟 AE 後,至偏好設定 Edit->Preference->General,
確保 "Allow Scripts to Write Files and Access Network" 允許腳本寫入檔案及存取網路選項是打勾的。
到 Window -> Yan-K RanAni 3.jsxbin 將腳本打開即可使用。
Install :
Unzip the pack and drag "Yan-K RanAni 3.jsxbin", "RanAni3" folder
to "Adobe\Adobe After Effects XX\Support Files\Scripts\ScriptUI Panels".
Open up AE and go to Edit->Preference->General ,
make sure "Allow Scripts to Write Files and Access Network" option are checked.
then go to Window -> Yan-K RanAni 3.jsxbin, now enjoy!
Thank you for using this script!
Shout Out to:
OlaOla https://www.facebook.com/olaolanote/
Xquid http://xquid.work/
for Scripting help.
Yan-K RanAni 3